Best TV Episodes of All-Time, Ranked

#19. The Ancient Bride- As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

As Joseph attempts to swap curses with Chise, the two gain access to Chise's memories. Her painful childhood is revealed. This would be impactful enough, but what really drives the episode home is Chise's determination not to forgive her mother for her abusive behavior, but to move on for her own sake. This level of emotional nuance is rare in the media, and it makes this episode truly stand out.


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The More You Know

  • TV made its debut at the World’s Fair
  • Gertrude Berg was TV’s first star
  • Several products and businesses featured on the TV series Seinfeld experienced huge success after their appearance on the show, including Snapple, Junior Mints, and Tom's Restaurant in NYC.
  • America’s obsession with TV spawned new cuisines
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