Best TV Episodes of All-Time, Ranked

#29. Game of Thrones- Blackwater

In this GOT episode, events revolve around the Battle of Blackwater Bay. In it, the acting Hand of the King, Tyrion Lannister, leads the Lannister army in defending the city of King's Landing against another ruler's forces. "Blackwater" keeps viewers agglutinated to the proceedings by not dancing between parallel storylines as is usually the case with the show's other episodes. Instead, all of the activity is restricted to King's Landing, allowing for the preparation and execution of incredible battle sequences. Confirmation of the episode's brilliance lies not just on Ranker but on IMDb where it has a strong 9.6 rating on IMDb.


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The More You Know

  • Saturday Night Live' is TV’s most decorated show
  • Family Matters: The infamous theme song "As Days Go By" wasn't always the theme song. "What A Wonderful World" was used in the pilot (though it has been replaced with "As Days Go By" in syndicated versions of the show).
  • The creators of “That 70’s Show” Wanted Chuck Norris To Play Red Foreman.
  • Television is becoming more international with the advent of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. The first German-language program produced by Netflix, Dark, is currently the highest-rated TV show in Germany
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