Best TV Episodes of All-Time, Ranked

#31. Lucifer- Who's da New King of Hell?

Demons escape from hell and show up in Los Angeles to convince Lucifer to come home in the season four finale. The episode opens with one helluva dance sequence set to Kenny Loggins' "I'm Alright," which also happens to be the theme song for the 1980 movie "Caddyshack." The IMDb rating is 9.6. The Air date was May 8, 2019.


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The More You Know

  • The Jeffersons: For two years, Marla Gibbs, who played Florence, kept her job at United Airlines in customer service while simultaneously filming for the show. Sometimes people would recognize her voice over the phone.
  • Disney is responsible for the rise of color TV
  • The "blue sky" in Breaking Bad was actually rock candy.
  • In the earlier episodes of Fresh Prince, Will Smith would learn the entire script, which means sometimes he can be seen mouthing other actor's lines.
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