Best Female Supervillains of Television and Film

Cersei Lannister- Game of Thrones

Villains are not hard to come by in the Game of Thrones universe. None of them can top the heartless, ruthless ruler of Cersei Lannister though. She would do anything to protect her money, her kingdom, and most importantly, her family. However, in the end, she just couldn't make it work and was killed next to her brother, Jamie.  


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The More You Know

  • Disney wanted Robert De Niro as Captain Jack Sparrow, but he declined the role because he thought the movie was going to bomb.
  • Forrest Gump has more CGI than Jurassic Park.
  • The first public movie screening was held in 1895 in Paris.
  • Inspiration for the Hulk came from Frankenstein’s monster.
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