Best Female Supervillains of Television and Film

Maleficent- Maleficent

Disney doesn't back down from a female villain, and that much is evident from their movie Maleficent. The story about the evil queen from Sleeping Beauty is big, bold, and unapologetically evil. It's one of Jolie's most harrowing roles to date. 


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The More You Know

  • Dan Akroyd’s original script for Ghostbusters was set in a future where Ghostbusters were everyday figures of society like paramedics and firemen.
  • Fantasia (1940) was originally a short called The Sorcerers Apprentice, but Walt Disney overspent on the score and decided to make it feature length film rather than waste money.
  • The first public movie screening was held in 1895 in Paris.
  • Nestlé supplied 1,850 bars of real chocolate for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
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