‘Ben & Jerry’s’ is Making Bagel and Ice Cream Sandwiches and We’re Here for It

Be still our carb and sweet-tooth loving hearts. Ben & Jerry’s is making our “ice-cream-for-breakfast” dreams come true with their new ice cream bagel sandwiches.

And in standard Ben & Jerry’s fashion, the name for these sandwiches is just as clever as we’d expect. The brand is calling them “Ice-Ice-Bagels.”

Unfortunately, there’s a small catch, as these sweet delights will only be available at shops in the U.K.

Luckily, if you’re pining for a unique Ben & Jerry’s treat on U.S. soil, the brand has begun testing snackable frozen cookie dough bites in two of its locations in Vermont.

While many of the brand’s fans are in favor of this interesting new combo, some are unsure about mixing bagels and ice cream.

The “Montreal-style bagels with notes of maple syrup” are sourced from Bross Bagels and come in two flavors. The ‘Birthday Bagel’ has Ben & Jerry’s Birthday Cake ice cream sandwiched between a “chewy pink bagel” with sprinkles.

The “Holey Cara-moley” pretzel bagel satisfies both sweet and salty cravings with scoops of Double Caramel Brownie ice cream smothered in caramel sauce.

So, if you were looking for a reason to make a trip across the pond, Ben & Jerry’s “Ice-Ice-Bagels” are waiting for you…

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