Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

Game Cartridge Flavor

It's no secret that kids put literally everything in their mouths. Those tiny game cartridgers that come with consoles are choking hazards, so they're covered in a bitter film that tastes gross when put in a kid's mouth. That should deter them from biting down on anything they shouldn't. 


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The More You Know

  • Stow bulky items overhead by cementing together a simple rack from 2" PVC pipes and fittings. Bolt the straight pipe to the ceiling joists to support heavy loads, and screw the angled pieces from the 'wye' connectors into the cross brace to stabilize the whole rack.
  • Hollow out a watermelon, slice off the top, and pierce the side with a spigot. Then, fill the "keg" with your favorite punch and replace the lid to keep the drinks—and the conversation—flowing.
  • The Crown Jewels contain the two biggest cut diamonds on Earth.
  • Air fryers don’t always produce that golden hue we crave. You can fix that, though! The secret to that perfect golden color is giving your foods a quick spritz of cooking spray before popping them into the air fryer basket.
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