Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

The Hole in a Pen Cap

You'd think the hole in a pen cap serves no purpose, but it's actually a safety precaution. For whatever reason, people love to chew their pen caps. If a child happened to swallow one, the hole in the top allows air to circulate to prevent choking.


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The More You Know

  • Honey is essentially bee vomit.
  • Little brown bats sleep more than any other mammal on earth.
  • To keep your pot from boiling over, put a wooden spoon over the top of it. If it starts to boil up too high, the spoon will pop the bubbles and keep it from overflowing quickly.
  • An easy way to tear tape and get a starting edge at the same time. Simply fold the tape under at a 90-degree angle to the roll. Then, with a snapping motion, pull the tape against the edge of the roll.
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