Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

The Tab on a Soda Can

The hole in the tab on your soda can is actually a great way to keep your straw in place. There are endless hacks to drinking soda, but Coke definitely thought of everything. Maybe next time you can try swappning a straw for a Twizzler.


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The More You Know

  • A single lightning bolt has enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread.
  • The world's largest Barbie collection includes more than 15,000 dolls.
  • Bubble wrap is a powerful insulator. While on the road, keep your Chunky Monkey from melting by wrapping the pint in plastic bubble wrap. It’ll stay firm for hours.
  • The world record for the tallest stack of doughnuts totaled more than 3,000.
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