Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

Winter Hats with Pom-Poms

While pom-pom beanies are all the rage fashion-wise, did you know that the pom-pom has an actual purpose? Navy soldiers used to wear these hats, and the pom-pom served as protection for their heads because they would often be too tall for the boat ceilings.


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The More You Know

  • If you accidentally got permanent marker on a piece of furniture, don't lose hope just yet. Using a small dab of non-gel toothpaste, rub the marker stain in a circular motion with a soft cloth and it should buff right out.
  • Insert a drinking straw (or stainless steel reusable) into the tip of the berry and push it through to the other end to quickly remove the stem.
  • One in four Americans thinks that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
  • LEGO has an underground vault with every set ever made.
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