Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

Plastic Cup Lids

Aside from their obvious purpose at keeping the liquid inside of cups, those plastic lids do a couple of other things. If you take the lid off and flip it over, the cup snaps perfectly into place and has a built-in coaster. Protect your furniture from that to-go condensation.


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The More You Know

  • A wet-dry vacuum slurps clogs out of plugged drains. Even plumbers use this trick sometimes. If you need to increase suction, seal around the nozzle with a wet rag.
  • Hippos have the largest mouths of any animal on land.
  • The moon has its own time zones.
  • Next time you open a bottle of wine, save the cork! You can use a slice of synthetic cork to brace a wobbly table leg. Just mark the amount of cork needed, slice it off with a utility knife and glue it in place.
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