Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

Holes in Lollipop Sticks

The hole on the lollipop stick is a purposeful design technique. In the factories, the candy is poured into molds, and some of it seeps into the holes on the stick so the lollipop doesn't fall off when it's hardened. Who would have thought something so small had such an important job?


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The More You Know

  • Mount Everest is bigger now than the last time it was measured.
  • Mattel once tried to sue Aqua over their song "Barbie Girl". The judge literally told them to "chill".
  • Stephen Hawking is 73 years old and has outlived his shortened life expectancy due to ALS by over 50 years.
  • Chihuahuas have the biggest brains in the canine world.
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