Extremely Dumb Decisions That Workers Made on Job Sites

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

In the laws of physics, yeah this probably works out fine. In the laws of literally anything else, this is not a good look. These guys are probably not professionals and just wanted to fix their AC unit themselves (which is also not a good idea) so OSHA isn’t really missing out on anything huge… 


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The More You Know

  • In the 16th Century, Turkish women could initiate divorce if their husbands didn’t provide enough coffee.
  • Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.
  • Harvard might be hard to get into with a 4.5 percent admittance rate, but try this on for size: only 2.6 percent of Walmart applicants are accepted.
  • It would take 76 workdays (if you work an eight-hour day) to read every online privacy policy you agree to in an average year.
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