Australian Investigator Finds Substantial New Evidence About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

The Co-Pilot

His co-pilot, First Officer Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, was also an experienced pilot who has been with the company since 2007. He began as a cadet and worked his way up, gaining an excellent 2,763 hours of flight. As a co-pilot, his goal was to become a pilot, and this flight was the last part of his training before the big promotion. The pilots seemed to check out, so investigators turned their search to the plane itself…


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The More You Know

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  • Surfaces near the equator move much faster than those in other locations on Earth.
  • Humans specifically have eyes that face forward for the purpose of seeing in 3D.
  • If you sneeze while driving at 60 mph, your eyes are closed for around 50 feet.
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