After Being Pulled Over, This Man Discovered He Had a Strange Superpower

Under the Influence

“Are you drunk right now?” the officer asked him. Gus assured him that he was not. In fact, he barely drank in his day to day life. He was simply feeling out of it, that’s all. “What about all that swerving back there?” he asked, “What in the world was going on with you?”


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The More You Know

  • The world's most densely populated island is the size of two soccer fields.
  • The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because "there was no suitable living candidate." This was meant as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated earlier that year without receiving the Prize.
  • A blue whale's tongue weighs as much as an elephant.
  • A single lightning bolt has enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread.
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