After Being Pulled Over, This Man Discovered He Had a Strange Superpower

Gus Manfield was surprised to be pulled over one early morning drive. When officers questioned him, he never suspected that he would find himself in such a sticky situation. Read on to find out how he got out of trouble, thanks to a trait he never knew he had…

Early Bird

Gus, 46, was driving to his Oregon home after a wedding from the day prior. The sun was rising and he was feeling fine. Actually, he felt better than fine. He was in a state of euphoria. He was about to find out why…


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The More You Know

  • Portland was named by a coin flip. Had the coin landed the other way, the city would be known as Boston, Oregon.
  • Mount Rushmore cost less than $1 million.
  • You can major in wine at Cornell University.
  • The moon has its own time zones.
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