After a Day of Fishing, Crew Spots Something Strange Atop Iceberg


The iceberg drifted closer and closer and that’s when they noticed something was on top of it. They wanted to get closer to find out, but the current around the iceberg was strong. They took a risk and decided to maneuver around it to their best ability and explore this mystery…


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The More You Know

  • Roughly 600 Parisians work at the Eiffel Tower each day.
  • The longest tennis rally lasted over 12 hours.
  • Pilots and their co-pilots are required to eat different meals before flights so that they don’t both end up with food poisoning.
  • George Lazenby wasn't an actual actor. He got himself a suit, a Rolex and a new haircut, then met with the producer and made up movies he had been in. He later landed the role of James Bond.
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