A Hole in the Floor of an Abandoned KFC Led Authorities to Discover a Mysterious Hidden Tunnel

Locked Up

Since Lopez was technically medically intoxicated, DEA agent Craig Donahue’s arrest was deemed unlawful by Lopez’s team of lawyers. This reflected poorly on the team that accosted Lopez, but it did not nullify Lopez’s crimes. In the end, Lopez was charged with life in prison for endangering the lives of the police officers on the scene, evading arrest, reckless driving, and possessing over $300,000 worth of illegal narcotics with intent to sell.


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The More You Know

  • The oceans contain 200,000 different kinds of viruses.
  • The world's most densely populated island is the size of two soccer fields.
  • Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes.
  • Mattel once tried to sue Aqua over their song "Barbie Girl". The judge literally told them to "chill".
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