A Hole in the Floor of an Abandoned KFC Led Authorities to Discover a Mysterious Hidden Tunnel

A Likely Story

Back at the scene of the car accident, an ambulance had arrived to take Ivan Lopez to the hospital to treat his wounds, while more officers and the DEA arrived on the scene to inspect the unmarked bundles. When asked, Lopez said he did not know what was in the bags, and that he did not put them in his truck, nor did he know why they were there. “A likely story,” commented DEA officer Craig Donahue, he had seen far too many incidents like this to be patient with a man who would lie about the obvious.


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The More You Know

  • Honey is essentially bee vomit.
  • When two white-faced capuchin monkeys meet, they say hello by sticking their fingers into each other's noses.
  • The Netherlands has the tallest population.
  • Almost all chickens eaten today come from the winner of the 1948 'Chicken of Tomorrow' Contest whose genetics now dominate poultry farms worldwide.
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