These Are The Most-Liked Instagram Posts of the Decade

Kylie's Pregnancy Reveal

Kylie went on a social media hiatus for a couple of months, only posting the occasional old photo to keep fans off her scent. Then, in February 2018, she finally revealed why she took a break: she was pregnant! The video she posted after this that documented her pregnancy was a tear-jerker.


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The More You Know

  • War pigs were used in ancient warfare to counter against war elephants, which feared the pigs (and their squeals) and would bolt. War pigs were sometimes lit on fire to enhance this effect.
  • Walt Jr. never encountered Jessie in all 62 episodes of Breaking Bad.
  • There are around 2,000 thunderstorms happening on Earth at all times.
  • The odds of getting a royal flush are exactly 1 in 649,740.
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